Recommendations to celebrate the cultural diversity of the Jazira communities at the end of the Book Forum

The coordinators and volunteers of the (Bayt al-Jazira – Mala Cizîrê – ܒܝܬܐ ܕܓܖܪܬܐ) project returned on September 6th from the hall that hosted their big event which took an entire week of continuous work to be completed.  

During the live broadcast organized in the hall in the second week of the practical activities phase within the project that was launched at the beginning of August, the coordinators and volunteers along with their guests culminated the forum with an interactive dialogue session with the participation of about 30 people of different communities of the Jazira region (Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians and Yazidis).  

The session was characterized by bold, frank and clear views on the causes of the social isolation facing the communities of the Jazira, and the array of the social solutions available to the community to get out of this situation and start a new phase based on bringing the status of the cultural difference up and considering it one of the pillars of the civil peace and sustainable coexistence.  

The Book Forum Week started with intensive meetings between the three project coordinators and volunteers led by Ibrahim Khalil, the writer and translator to define a group of books and research on the social history of the communities of the Jazira as a basic starting point for correcting some misconceptions and deepening the knowledge of each community about the other.  

The coordinators and volunteers focused on choosing books and objective research that do not attempt to cancel the other differentiated. This was one of the main difficulties faced by the team members due to the scarcity and limited references.  

After selecting the appropriate books and research for the idea of the project, the brainstorming phase by taking notes and preparing summaries that included a long list of new knowledge acquired by the team members, started, in preparation for the start of the second critical phase.

In the second phase of the Book Forum Week, the team of the coordinators and volunteers started conducting interviews with a group of people of different communities to realize the nature and type of information that each community possesses about the other, and then work within influence groups to correct some misconceptions.  

Also, this phase included lengthy meetings with a group of writers and interested people, such as the meeting conducted by the coordinator of the project, Shinda Abdi with the writer Mahmoud Sabri and Professor Mahmoud Rasho, and the one that the coordinator Nazir Muhammad had with Ibrahim al-Abdullah, the social and political sciences professor, in addition to the meeting conducted by the coordinator Orkina Suomi with the professor Aziz Toma.   

At the end of the Book Forum, the team of the coordinators and volunteers organized a live broadcast interactive dialogue session on the organization’s official Facebook page where the invitees focused on the necessity of coexistence and civil peace by opening the space for the dialogue, communication and interest in enriching local cultures and delving deeper into the history of each community to end the state of social isolation and achieve a truly partnership reality in the various fields. 

The (Bayt al-Jazira) project is an attempt to celebrate and promote cultural differences as a fundamental pillar in building and maintaining the civil peace, the sustainable coexistence, and to enhance community cohesion factors through deepening knowledge of the communities with each other and opening non-traditional channels of communication among them. 


Kordînator û xwebexşên projeya mala Cizîrê di şêşê vê mehê de li salona ku gengeşeya encama karé wan ê heftiyekê hemêz kir vegeriyan.

Li salona ku weşana zindî ya heftiya duyem  ji çalakiyên wan di projeya ku di serê tebaxê de dest pê kiribûn. kordînator û xwebexşan bi mêvanên xwe re komcivîna  pirtûkan bi xelekeke danûstandinê bi sîh kesên ji pêkhateyên Cizîrê (kurd,ereb,suryan,aşûr û êzîd)li hev kombûn.

Gelek nêrînên biciger, rast û zelal li ser sedemên tenêtiya civakî ya li cem pêkhateyên cizîrê hatin gotin, her wiha zincîra çareseriyên civakî yên li hemberî çalakiyên civakî vekirî , ji bo ku ji rewşa xwe derkevin û  dest bi qonaxeke nû li ser esasê cêwaziya çandî wek stûnê aşîtiya navxweyî û jiyana hevbeş a domdar, bikin.

Heftiya komcivîna pirtûkan bi civînên dagirtî di navbera hersê kordînetorên projeyê û xwebexşan bi serpereştiya nivîskar û wergêr Ibrahîm xelîl dest pê kir, civîn ji bo destnîşankirina komek ji pirtûk û lêkolînên di derbarê dîroka civakî ya pêkhateyên cizîrê de bû, ev jî ji bo rastkirina hin têgehên şaş û kûrkirina naskirina her pêkhateyekî ji yên din re.

Kordînatoran û xwebexşan di hilbijartina pirtûkan de bal avêtin ser pirtûk û lêkolînên mijarî yên ku hewl nadin ku kesên din winda bikin ev jî yek ji zehemetiyên bingehîn bû ji ber wek van pirtûkan sînordar û kêm in. 

Piştî hilbijartina pirtûkên gengaz ji projeyê re qonaxa hizirî dest pê kir hin têbînî hatin nivîsandin û lîsteyek ji zanyarên nû yên ku endamên girûpê girtin hatin amadekirin, ji bo rê ji qonaxa dawî re vekin

Di qonaxa duyem de ji komcivîna pirtûkan kordînator û xwebeşan hevdîtin bi komek kes ji hemû pêkhateyan re kirin, ji bo rewş û cureyên agahiyên li cem her pêkhateyî nas bikin, piştî wê kar di komên bibandor de kirin, ji bo hin têgehên şaş rast bikin.

di vê qonaxê de gelek hevdîtinên dirêj bi komek nivîskar û şopîneran re hatin kirin wek hevdîtina ku kordînator şînda abê bi nivîskar Mehmûd Sebrî  û Mehmûd Reşo re kir her wiha hevdîtina kordînator nezîr Mihemed bi pizîşkê zanyriya civakî û siyasî Ibrahîm Elebdullah re û herî dawî hevdîtina ku kordînator Orkîna Sewmê bi mamosta Ezîz tûma re kir.

Ev proje hewldaneke diyarkirina giringiya çandî û pêşxistina wê ji ber wek bingeha avakirin û parastina ewlehiya navxweyî û jiyan hevbeş e, her wiha bihêzkirina têkiliyê civakî bi rêya kûrkirina naskirina pêkhateyan ji hev re û diyarkirin hin riyê danûstandinê yê ne kevneşop di nav wan de.