(Bayt al-Jazira – Mala Cizîrê – ܒܝܬܐ ܕܓܖܪܬܐ)

We start with you the project of (Bayt al-Jazira) with our different colors, clothes, dishes, weddings, customs and our distinct cultures aiming at strengthening communication among the communities of the Jazira of the Kurds, Arabs, Syriac, Assyrians, and Yazidis, as one of the most important alternatives to the culture of hatred by celebrating cultural differences and promoting them as an essential pillar in building and preserving civil peace and coexistence, and promoting societal cohesion factors through interaction in a common public space.

Preparations for the project started on August 1st, and will continue until the end of next October.

The project includes organizing various activities, including: (readings and discussions in a number of books dealing with the historical, social and cultural development of the Jazira’s communities. Songs and music of each community, its history and phases of development. The food of each community and its distinctive traditional dishes. The traditional dress of each community and its symbolism. Participation in holding events specific to each community. Political-rights-social dialogue and debate to develop the language of communication among these communities.)

This project comes as an attempt to show the importance of the cultural richness of the different indigenous communities who live side by side in the Jazira region by emphasizing the common points that unite them, such as memory and symbols, because of their role in promoting the concept of multiculturalism which is a fundamental pillar of coexistence.  


(Mala Cizîrê)

Bi rengên me yên cuda, cilên me yên rengereng , pêkhateyên me yên cihêreng,  dawet û dab û çandên me yên cuda, em projeya (Mala Cizîrê) bi we re dest pê dikin, ku armanca wê çesipandina danûstendinan di nav pêkhateyên Cizîrê de ye, ji (Kurd, Ereb, Suryan, Aşûrî û Êzdiyan) weke alternatîva çanda kînê, bi rêya rêzdariya li cihêrengiya çandî û çesipandina wê weke bingeheke avakirin û parastina aştiya navxweyî û hevjiyanê û parastina hêmanên hevgirtina civakî bi rêya çalakîyên giştî û hevbeş.

Proje çalakiyên pirreng li xwe digire: mîna (xwendin û gengeşekirina hejmareke pirtûkên ku behsa rewşa dîrokî, çandî û civakî ya pêkhateyên Cizîrê dike, stran û muzîka her pêkhateyekê û dîrok û qonaxên pêşketina wê, aşxaneya her pêkhateyekê û xwarinên wan ên folklorî, cilên gerdişî yên her pêkhateyekê û sembolên wan, beşdarîya di li darxistina boneyên her pêkhateyê de , gotûbêj û danûstendinên siyasî, mafnasî û civakî bo bipêşxistina zimanê pêwendîyê  di nav van pêkhateyan de).

Ev proje hewldaneke diyarkirina giringiya mîrateyê çandî yê grûpên navxweyî yên cihêreng û yên ku li gel hev li Cizîrê dijîn, bi rêya teqezkirina li ser xalên hevbeş, mîna bîranîn û sembolan, ev yek dikare têgehên pirrengiya çandî biçesipîne, ku ew bi xwe bingeheke sereke ya hevjiyanê ye.

Related links:

A room collecting the heritage symbols and tools of the Jazira region  

Recommendations to celebrate the cultural diversity of the Jazira communities at the end of the Book Forum


Al-Jazira songs are considered a reservoir of folkloric stories and a history of coexistence

Xwarinên Cizîrê xwedî mîraseyekî dewlemend in

The folkloric costumes of the Jazira region… a record preserves heritage from vanish