
{:en}{:}{:ar}GAV -  الطبقة نفذ الفريق الطبي في منظمة GAV للإغاثة والتنمية حملة توعية صحية في مدينة الطبقة بالرقة، خلال الفترة بين 12 و 26 نيسان / أبريل الجاري، وشملت ورشات توعية صحية عن مخاطر الألغام، والتشوهات الجنينة وسبل الحماية، وحماية الطفل من الأمراض المعدية وغير المعدية. وجاء ذلك إثر تزايد حجم الاحتياجات في المناطق المحررة

Implementing Most Sessions of the Training Workshops within the Project “Only One Step Away”

GAV – Qamishlo GAV4RD has finished most sessions of the two workshops on communication skills and administrative skills, within the training aspect of its project, Only One Step Away. The project included training on 3 topics: communication skills, administrative skills, and artistic/cultural skills. The training activity was launched on the 22 February, 2018 and is

GAV4RD starts its preparatory visits to a number of villages within the project “Only one step away”

GAV – Torba Sabih Within its socio-development program, which aims to reduce the tension in the society and reject as well, the hate speech among components in Al-Jazeera area, GAV4RD has launched a project called “Only one step away” starting from January 1st until the end of April 2018. The organization adopted this orientation to implement