
Based on the difficult living situation of the IDPs in northeastern regions of Syria, the organization launches the (BAZAR 2) project to support the IDPs in Tal al-Samen camp to help them provide continuous and stable livelihoods by providing vocational training in the professions of haircut, hairdressing, and plumbing, in addition to training in marketing, for two months. 

The project in general, provides opportunity for 24 IDP young men who reside in the most vulnerable environments such as the camps, specifically (Tal al-Samen) camp in the northern countryside of Raqqa, to participate in training workshops in the named professions with the aim of reintegrating them into the labor market along with a plan providing technical support to the participants. The project includes supporting a number of the participants with tools and equipment that enable them to practice new professions, whether inside the camp or outside it in order to secure stable sources of income for them and their families, and to reduce their dependence on humanitarian aid.   

The project comes in its second version after the success of the first phase in empowering (24 male and female trainees) of the camp’s residents in four basic professions: sewing, dressmaking, haircut, and hairdressing, in addition to training in the field of marketing. The project also comes in response to the large needs regarding the livelihoods and providing more job opportunities.  

In particular, the project aims to establish vocational training spaces in Tal al-Samen camp, in addition to external workshops in the city of Raqqa and its countryside, in order to ensure that the participants receive continuous training to enable their skills and experiences in the specific professions and reintegrate them into the labor market.

A new chapter of hard work with the return of activity to the training tents again

Bazar project is a chance of change and self-assertion, Jihan and Muhammad.  

Hope always finds its way even in the most difficult circumstances, Bazar trainees

Bazar trainees make their way into labor market with their new professional skills